Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What do you think of this song (guitar heroine edition)? (and a bonus question, as always)?

Roads? Where We're Going We Don't Need Roads

Marnie Stern

This Is It and I Am It and You Are It and so Is That and He Is It and She Is It and It Is It and That Is That

What do you think of this song (and how about that video down below)?

Love them? Hate them? Somewhere in between?

List your five favorite guitar heroines.

Marnie Stern has one foot planted in No Wave - in interviews she cites Sonic Youth and Sleater-Kinney as changing her life at the age of 21, but her other foot is firmly planted in metal and hard rock. She's a talented guitarist on top of it all.

The drumming is powerful and impressive. That's Zach Hill on drums. He's ridiculous. Just a tremendous drummer - amazing footwork.

I'd love to see her be a hero for young girls - but her style doesn't lend itself to that. She's well-spoken, independent, very talented and had to work very hard to get where she is. She writes her music herself, and surrounds herself with other very talented musicians. She's an original voice and I love it.

One of my top 5 albums of 2008.


Transformer do you think of this song (guitar heroine edition)? (and a bonus question, as always)?
i probably would've loved it if i was 21, but now...

i don't know.

age comes, creeping up on us all, and subtle changes take place that are hard to pin down.

i didn't dislike it, i've just got no great inclination to listen to it again.


pj harvey

kristin hersh

susan stenger

tanya donellyWhat do you think of this song (guitar heroine edition)? (and a bonus question, as always)?
Best. Album. Title. Ever.

I liked Transformer better. I'll give the other one another try, though. Been meaning to check her out for a while, thanks, think I've heard you mention Marnie before.

Can we have more guitar heroine editions please? Hey, they should make a Heroine edition of Guitar Hero... it wouldn't sell any, but just to keep it fair...What do you think of this song (guitar heroine edition)? (and a bonus question, as always)?
I liked both of them. I see and the hear the Sleater Kinney and Sonic Youth influences. I really liked 'Transformer' the best. Thank you for sharing both. (:What do you think of this song (guitar heroine edition)? (and a bonus question, as always)?
Wow, I loved it!

Her little voice sounded like a squelched guitar, and is right in there.

Eh...heroine guitar or heroin guitar, either way it works...

Thanks, Radio
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