Petraeus’s supporters say Hillary was calling him a liar. When you read it, particularly if you focus on the second sentence, that’s how it seems. But if you actually heard her say it, it sounded like she was making a compliment and then sort of taking it back. NPR correspondent David Welna heard it the same way, too, describing it as a “careful weaving of praise and skepticism.”
Since everyone’s made up their minds about the good general, let’s talk about that careful weaving instead.
Hillary Clinton doesn’t say anything by accident. This is the key difference between her and her husband. Bill is an oleaginous people pleaser, a cross between Franklin Roosevelt and the guy looking for a free drink at the end of the bar. If he sidles up to someone who loves Tito Puente, he’ll be quick to say, “Oh, I’ve been listening to him for years!” If he meets someone who hates Tito Puente, he’ll shed a single tear and bite his lip that he just couldn’t get Puente’s albums banned, because of that awful Republican-controlled Congress. And sometimes he’ll please both parties simultaneously. To paraphrase Yogi Berra, when Bill comes to a fork in the road, he takes it. But in his eagerness, you can sometimes catch the duplicity.
With Hillary it’s much harder. She plans everything. Her notion of spontaneity is changing her brand of day planner without having a meeting about it first. One can imagine her practicing every important pronouncement in front of a mirror with color-coded flashcards. “She does her homework” has to be the most bipartisan accolade of our age.
But just because Hillary is about as impulsive as a pet rock, it doesn’t mean that she’s as different from her husband as it seems. Both have mastered the art of having it both ways. Indeed, Clintonite “triangulation” and “Third Way” politics were always about having your cake and eating it too. For instance, Hillary has managed to be the leader of a rabidly anti-war party and the most hawkish Democrat in the field at the same time.
It’s just that Bill could speak with a forked tongue on the fly. Off the cuff he said he agreed with the minority but would have voted with majority when it came to the first Gulf War. He tried pot but didn’t inhale. Monica Lewinsky had sexual contact with him, but he never had sexual contact with her.
What Bill says with rakish bluster, Hillary pulls off with schoolmarmish fog.
For example, in a recent interview with Salon, Walter Shapiro asked Hillary Clinton whether she took offense to commentators using only her first name. She said that she has an “open mind” about the practice but sympathizes with feminists who complain that it’s demeaning. But she also thinks it’s just fine for her own campaign to refer to her relentlessly — and sometimes almost exclusively — as “Hillary.” In one convoluted paragraph she manages to admit that she does something that is sexist for others to do, but claims to have an open mind about it.
During the YouTube-CNN Democratic debate, she was asked what a liberal is and whether she is one. In a brilliantly crafted non-answer, she explained that the word “originally meant that you were for freedom ... that you were willing to stand against big power and on behalf of the individual.” But, “in the last 30, 40 years it has been turned up on its head” as a word to describe “big government.” That’s exactly right, though she made it sound like mean-spirited conservatives slandered the word, assigning no blame to liberals themselves.
Indeed, it actually sounded like the woman who wanted to nationalize one-seventh of the U.S. economy was never in favor of big government. But rather than admit she’s a liberal, she pulls the rhetorical rip cord and parachutes to safety: “I prefer the word ‘progressive,’” she proclaimed, “which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century. I consider myself a modern progressive.” Refusing to define that, she moved on, neglecting to mention that progressives — modern and old-fashioned alike — believe in big government, too.
Clinton’s criticism of Petraeus was offensive on the merits, but it was interesting because Hillary failed to tell every constituency what it wanted to hear. I guess practice doesn’t always make perfect.Is this our future president?
Dont worry, she wont even make it past the Iowa caucus
Liberal Thumbs down button ---------%26gt;Is this our future president?
She will never win. She is a disgrace.Is this our future president?
I think your going to be very disappointed in Nov. 08.Is this our future president?
I Hope Not since Hillary has NO Vision BUT Bigger Govt,more Taxes %26amp; More invasion of privacy by Big Govt etc since the Dems coddle voters %26amp; treat voters like infants.
Stand Up %26amp; Vote %26amp; be Counted.
Only JFK had Vision %26amp; he was shot in 1963.
Dems since JFK had NO Vision.
NO Dreams to make the USA Great.Is this our future president?
Your right she is the master of the non phrase, but that will be her down fall. Remember Kerry%26039;s whole I was for the war before I was against it thingIs this our future president?
Excellent observation, but she%26039;s not good at hiding unrehearsed Tourettes outbursts....
%26quot;It%26039;s all about %26quot;fairness,%26quot; says Hillary. And %26quot;fairness doesn%26039;t just happen. It requires the right government policies.%26quot;%26quot;
Where is the G-damn f**king flag? I want the G-damn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise.%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;Inside The White House%26quot; by Ronald Kessler, p. 244 - Hillary to the staff at the Arkansas Governor%26039;s mansion on Labor Day, 1991)
%26quot;You sold out, you mother f**ker! You sold out!%26quot;
From the book %26quot;Inside%26quot; by Joseph Califano, p. 213 - Hillary yelling at Democrat lawyer.
%26quot;It%26039;s been said, and I think it%26039;s accurate, that my husband was obsessed by terrorism in general and al-qaida in particular.%26quot;
(Hillary telling a post-9/11 world what a %26039;great%26039; commander in chief her husband was; Dateline, NBC 4/16/2004.)
%26quot;I have to admit that a good deal of what my husband and I have learned [about Islam] has come from our daughter.%26quot;
( 8/8/1999 - Hillary at a White House function, proudly tells some Muslim groups she is gaining a greater appreciation of Islam because Chelsea was then taking a class on the %26quot;religion of peace%26quot;)
%26quot;F**k off! It%26039;s enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I%26039;m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;American Evita%26quot; by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 - Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with %26quot;Good morning.%26quot;
%26quot;You f**king idiot.%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;Crossfire%26quot; p. 84 - Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.)
%26quot;If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king *** over here and grab those bags!%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;The First Partner%26quot; p. 259 - Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.)
%26quot;Get f**ked! Get the f**k out of my way!!! Get out of my face!!!%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;Hillary%26039;s Scheme%26quot; p. 89 - Hillary%26039;s various comments to her Secret Service detail agents.)
%26quot;Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don%26039;t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!!?%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;Unlimited Access%26quot;, by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary Aldrige, p. 139 - Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail.)
%26quot;Many of you are well enough off that [President Bush%26039;s] tax cuts may have helped you. We%26039;re saying that for America to get back on track, we%26039;re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We%26039;re going to have to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.%26quot;
(Hillary grandstanding at a fund raising speech in San Francisco ; 6/28/2004.)
%26quot;Why do I have to keep proving to people that I am not a liar?!%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;The Survivor,%26quot; by John Harris, p. 382 - Hillary in her 2000 Senate campaign)
%26quot;Where%26039;s the miserable c*ck sucker?%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;The Truth About Hillary%26quot; by Edward Klein, p. 5 - Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer)
%26quot;No matter what you think about the Iraq war, there is one thing we can all agree on for the next days - we have to salute the courage and bravery of those who are risking their lives to vote and those brave Iraqi and American soldiers fighting to protect their right to vote.
(Was posted on Hillary Clinton%26039;s web site on 1/28/05)
%26quot;Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those sunglasses. We need to go back!%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;Dereliction of Duty%26quot; p. 71-72 - Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to Air Force One.)
%26quot;A right-wing network was after his presidency...including perverting the Constitution.%26quot;
(To Barbara Walters about the Republicans who impeached her husband; 20/20, ABC 6/8/2003.)
%26quot;Son of a *****.%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;American Evita%26quot; by Christopher Anderson, p. 259 - Hillary%26039;s opinion of President George W. Bush when she found out he secretly visited Iraq just days before her highly publicized trip to Iraq)
%26quot;What are you doing inviting these people into my home? These people are our enemies! They are trying to destroy us!%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;The Survivor%26quot; by John Harris, p. 99 - Hillary screaming to an aide, when she found out that some Republicans had been invited to the Clinton White House)
%26quot;I mean, you%26039;ve got a conservative and right-wing press presence with really nothing on the other end of the political spectrum.%26quot;
(C-Span, 1/19/1997 - Hillary complains about the mainstream media, which are all conservatives in her opinion)
%26quot;Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can%26039;t f**k her here!!%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;Inside The White House%26quot; by Ronald Kessler, p. 243 - Hillary to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female at an Arkansas political rally)
You know, I%26039;m going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I%26039;m going to start thinking of her as a human being -Hillary Clinton
(From the book %26quot;The Case Against Hillary Clinton%26quot; by Peggy Noonan, p. 55)
%26quot;You show people what you%26039;re willing to fight for when you fight your friends.%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;The Agenda%26quot; by Bob Woodward, ch. 14)
%26quot;We are at a stage in history in which remolding society is one of the great challenges facing all of us in the West.%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;I%26039;ve Always Been A Yankee Fan%26quot; by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 119 - During her 1993 commencement address at the University of Texas)
%26quot;The only way to make a difference is to acquire power%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;I%26039;ve Always Been A Yankee Fan%26quot; by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 68 - Hillary to a friend before starting law school.)
%26quot;We just can%26039;t trust the American people to make those types of choices.... Government has to make those choices for people%26quot;
(From the book %26quot;I%26039;ve Always Been A Yankee Fan%26quot; by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 20 - Hillary to Rep. Dennis Hastert in 1993 discussing her expensive, disastrous taxpayer-funded health care plan)
%26quot;I am a fan of the social policies that you find in Europe%26quot; Hillary in 1996%26quot; From the book %26quot;I%26039;ve Always Been A Yankee Fan%26quot; by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 76 - Hillary in 1996)Is this our future president?
God, I hope not. She is a snake. It just goes to show the liberal mentality that they are taken in in by her.Is this our future president?
Quite possibly, yes.Is this our future president?
Could you repeat the question? It seems a bit vague. Petraeus has to submit to questions and he has the ability to defend or digress, but doesn%26039;t, because he%26039;s the Presidents Man. It%26039;s a given.
Here%26039;s a report from Iraq about it.
%26quot;%26quot;A joint ABC/BBC poll released this week shows 70 percent of Iraqis believe security has deteriorated since the Bush administration increased the number of troops in Iraq this Spring. Some 60 percent believe attacks on U.S. forces are justified, a number that includes 93 percent of Sunnis.
According to the poll, only 29 percent of Iraqis now think the situation will get better, compared to 64 percent who shared that optimism before the so-called %26quot;surge%26quot; of troops began.
%26quot;One of the most cynical things General Petraeus did was celebrate the fact that there%26039;s a decline in sectarian violence,%26quot; Susskind said. %26quot;But that drop reflects the success of ethnic cleansing rather than anything the U.S. military has done. The reality is that there are places where killing is down because there%26039;s nobody left to kill.%26quot;
According to the group Refugees International, nearly 5 million Iraqis have been forced from their homes since the fall of Saddam Hussein. More than 2 million people are now displaced inside the country, the group says, and an additional 2.5 million have fled to neighboring countries.
The numbers continue to grow with as many as 100,000 per month newly displaced within the country and another 40,000 to 60,000 fleeing to Syria.%26quot;%26quot;
So, it%26039;s understandable,these %26039;mixed emotions%26039;.
(if you think word mincing is political debate, it%26039;s probably why we went to war in Iraq in the first place, but that seems to make everyones day.. to day. )Is this our future president?
Just a tiny comment; no real answer for this one--
Hillary doesn%26039;t exactly reperesent the traditional feminist (equality for both sexes)
--she was simply too nice to Patraeus--a traditional feminist may try to beat him up a little (play on words, excuse me); like this:
%26quot;Why have you NOT WON yet?%26quot;
Feminists do not accept cheating husbands.
And personally question, who knows what is going on in Iraq, better than someone who has been there?Is this our future president?
I think if you could somehow hold an election now she would win b/c everyone is angry frustrated and confused. I%26039;m pretty certain she%26039;ll get the nomination.But in the time between now and the election she%26039;s going to self destruct just like every other stupid liberal extremist does. Just like John Kerry did. There winning and then they go to far and people see the real person and back away.
Have you ever been winning an argument, you have the person on the ropes and the you say something stupid or extreme and suddenly you look like a fool b/c it exposes your entire argument as being BS? That%26039;s were this is going ,Dems don%26039;t know how to win an election. GW could give the state of the union in full Nazi regalia and the dems would eventually %26quot;F%26quot; it up.
I have no real loyalty to either party. If democrats would put a person up that would not want to turn us into a socialist country I would probably vote for them.Is this our future president?
OK ..... so if Hillary wove you a safety net would you trust it enough to keep you from hitting the ground and possibly killing yourself? Words are just words unless you can use them with emotion. Use of double speak, and in her case, shrieking almost always negate any possibility of winning a ear to listen. Fortunately, the Clinton%26039;s are their own worst enemy. They are phonies from the get go!Is this our future president?
Interesting summary of the public and private Hillary. (If you didn%26039;t pen this yourself could you provide a link; if you did Bravo!)
Thanks to Cookies for the quotes that my Democrat friends would dismiss out of hand using the lesser of two evil argument.
I find myself defending her when arguing with right wingers because most of their criticisms border on fantasy (%26quot;She%26039;s a Socialist.)
When with Democrats (I%26039;m a Green because of Politicians like her and Feinstein) I point out her long support of the U.S. Imperialist presence (%26quot;we have a strategic intersest in Iraq%26quot;) in Iraq and that her rhetoric only changed when polls showed it would boost her popularity by %26quot;saying%26quot; she wants the troops (some) brought home. I also show her longtime support for undemocratic Corporate-managed %26quot;Free Trade%26quot; pacts (NAFTA, WTO...) that have cost millions of Americans jobs.
The fact that she leads in polls here in California shows she is a well oiled PR machine that can always say the right thing to the right crowd and never really stand for much; outside of her solid stance on Social issues-which I guess has been enough for most Democrats.Is this our future president?
The Clintons and Bush family have been bestest buds for years...since Hillary is a former Young Republican and her hubby was AG in Arkansas shilling for the CIA at Mena Airport during the Iran-Contra Scandal...and just like the bin Ladens who also are long-time friends with the Bushs...the Clintons play their part in the dumbing down of the US voter...yes...I said the bin Ladens are friends of Bush...they helped bail out Junior in his failed Arbusto Oil dreams and after Sept 11th...Bush had the military fly all the bin Laden family members to Switzerland and avoid any embarrasing questioning...
As for myself, a Navy Veteran, I prefer someone with a long record of supporting Veterans...someone whose campaign manager is a Combat Veteran named Mike Klein...and that candidate for President is Dennis Kucinich...he tells the American people the truth and is more interested in preserving the Constitution than all of the GOP combined...
Clinton, Bush and most of the other candidates on both sides of the aisle are merely vague versions of the same molded corporate funded do-nothing Republicrats whose sole purpose is to enabled the pilferage of the public treasury and embed themselves and their friends in positions of power so that that robber-barronesque tact may continue...
Mike PriceIs this our future president?
As a former Clinton supporter - if Democrats are REAL honest with themselves they know that Al Gore would probably be president if Clinton had kept his zipper zipped.
When the Clinton%26039;s live in government housing, Bill%26039;s behavior is problematic.
It would be absurd and IMMORAL to vote for a repeat!Is this our future president?
This question proves that double speak is not the exclusive domain of politicians.
There is another phrase that describes what you took so many words to post. It%26039;s called %26quot;being clever%26quot;, and that is what politicians have to do in order to get elected these days.
It seems in the multiple paragraphs and numerous responses of conservatives, that their real problem with Hillary is that she is just too darn good.
Hillary will be the next U.S. President because she is doing a great job as a campaigner, working smart, working hard, and not giving anything for the repub dirty deeds department to go after. In addition, the nineties, when Bill was Pres., was a great decade, even many conservative miss the boom period, and Bill did more to create a competitive market to create that boom than Reagan ever desired. Lastly, Hillary will become the next president because GW and his neocons have messed up this country beyond all belief, so badly that even conservatives have stopped trying to defend him.
The democratic party isn%26039;t perfect, but it is waaay better than the current repub party.
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