Age of the tank: nearly 1 year
pH: 7.2
Temperature: 26
5 Angels (lost my goldern the other day now one of my 5 is critically ill same symptoms!)
15 rummynose tetras
6 black neons
9 cory cats
4 khulis
1 red tail shark
1 clown loach
1 yeallow lab
Bristlnose catfish pair and AT LEAST 12 babies decent size (think this may be whats causeing me issues. Cant find a buyer at this stage.
Its my Angels. My goldern Angel had a lump on him the other day whitch i thought was from a fight. Within a few days he looked skinny and was swimming in the current of the filter constantly. From what i could tell he didnt eat as usual and his breathing was very fast. He died. Now my marble is looking thin has RAPID breathing and is sitting on the bottom of the tank!! Im worried this is the same thing my other Angel had and it will spread throught my tank! This second Angle is deteriorating WAY quicker then the golden. HELP!!!!!! Heres a vid of him i took a few mins ago, i havnt dubbed it yet. And ill also post a vid of the golden i took a day before he died.
HELP guys im stressed. I work tomorrow and know i wont see a response for hours (being on the other side of the world) I hope he makes it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also i think it could be my overstock on catfish bubs causeing this, dunno how but i know a high bio load with only one 25% water change a week cant be good. Also i cant find a buyer for them, will give them away if needed just want my Angels to live!!Freshwater Angelfish Critically Sick!!!!?
^^^^^ Wouldn't hurt to make sure your water is within parameters.^^^^^^
Nitrate build-up is easily masked, even in tanks that get weekly water changes. That can cause fish to just up and die.
You said you fish had Ick before, is that gone for sure ? Could be some internal parasite, have you fed them any live foods or anything Questionable ? Could also be some other fish illness or parasite that your Tetras brought in. I can't tell from the Videos and I have no Idea what that red spot on your Yellow angel was. Seems like if your Waters ok in has to be some kind of bacteria infection if your seeing outwards signs like red spots and lesions
Just makes sure your Ammonia,Nitrite and Nitrate are all ok to rule that out, but you don't have a test kit do you......Never-mind.
Water change them twice your normal amount for the next couple weeks, not necessarily all at once, maybe two different times.
I don't know what else but I hope you get it all worked through and you don't lose any more fish. Sorry I can't do more.Freshwater Angelfish Critically Sick!!!!?
It does sound, and look, like it is stressed. If you think it is overstocked, I would suggest a 50% water change as soon as possible. Then continue with a 25 to 30% water change every day until it shows no symptoms.
Or, you could add another filter. I hope the filter you have is for a tank larger than 100 gallons.
You could add some bubble wands or air stones to give them more oxygen.
On all of my tanks, i really overdo it with filtration. For example, a 55 gallon tank has a 60 gallon HOB filter and two 30 gallon sponge filters. So it has 65 more filtration than needed.
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