Thursday, June 2, 2011

Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?

Assalamwalaikum, so i was watching this lecture by brother Abdul Raheem Green titled does Islam oppress women? (Its on youtube if your interested in watching it). Anyway, one of his main points was that the nature of women is to be at home, to take care of the household and specifically to raise and nurture the children, not the way the west has women becoming women who behave like men and indulge themselves with buisness issues and not raising children. So now you have all these women who have come to age and can no longer bare a child but go to extreame desperate measures like implanted embryos etc to have children, showing that infact it was in their nature to have children and raise them.

My concern is that i am 20 years old and will marry around 25 inshallah, however my lifestyle does not accomodate children since i plan on working as a third world doctor. Which got me thinking, is the nature of women truly this way? I mean what about women who cant have children? Does this affect their innate nature and therefore have negative impacts on their life? As a women, how do you feel about children? Is it something you need to do in your life? And for the older women, did your views change as you matured?

Its true that men cannot look after children the way women can, and as a man i can never know how women feel about children but only what you can tell me. but is it also true that women 'need' children?

thoughts?Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
waliekum as'salam,

i think it really depends on the woman .. there are some people who think that they would really be better off without having a family of their own and on the other end there are women that think that their being is to be a mother.

i am kinda in the middle.

before i go further .. masha'Allah at your career choice =)

i consider your decision as one of the most selfless acts... May Allah reward you and make it all easy for you. Ameen.

im right now 19 and yea, my mind kept shifting here and there .. as of now, i do feel like some day i would love to be a mother.

now here is a slight twist to my version; suddenly i feel like i dont want to start up my own family and have my own kids, i feel like maybe i should push it to the side. seeing so many poor children, ophrans, children with special needs ..etc. i feel like it is my responsibility to be there for them .. to give love to the children that are already in this world.. either by teaching, medical care or any kind of support.

i don't think i need children .. i want them. And they need us all.

it takes two parents to look after a child. i do believe that a woman can take care of children better than males in half of the cases but i also think that men can be great single parents too when they really want to be.

our nature is not just being at home and take care of your children .. as for me, i am not suitable for just that, i would feel in-complete if i was to just take care of the home and kids. i feel we as humans have a responsibility and so we should not confine our self . we have to get education and go do what we think we can do best .. be it business or home-maker ( housewife) or maybe both of them.

i guess, the caring nature is often interpretted as %26quot;motherly nature%26quot;.

very interesting question.Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
Women are biologically programmed to take care of their offspring, so yes, women are supposed to take care of kids. Does that mean that all women are suited to be mothers? No. Do some women make horrible, horrible parents? Absolutely. We all have a desire to reproduce, but you can't make a blanket statement saying that all women's ultimate goal is to be a housewife.Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
Many women are happy without children, because they have friends and work that is more important to them. Kids grow up, they only need mothers for a few years. The ones who think they need children seem to feel differently when they have them. Sure, babies are cute. Then they become people with their own minds (by 10 years old) and mothers are largely forgotten. People want babies and are happy when kids are small but ask them when their kids hit 10 - most parents wonder why they bothered to have them.

The world is getting too small for women to have no role except bearing children. There has to be more to a woman's life, something for which she can be respected beyond her role as household maid and cook. Families are not appreciative of housekeeping, usually the only one that cares if the house is clean is the mother. My mother always said she didn't want to look back on her life and be able to say only that she kept a clean house. So she volunteered a lot. It's a good thing, because I know we all took her for granted. You can't help but take for granted what is always there and what seems powerless.Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
From a biological perspective to say that women only exist to bear children and nurture them would be akin to saying trees only exist to give us oxygen. All creatures have a deep seated instinct to reproduce. Some greater than others, of course. Women are not exclusive to this process. But to say that all women need children is a very narrow perspective. A lot of women may desire to have children, but not all of them do.

We all feel and think differently, not only because of factors such as sex. As human beings, we all have a right to pursue whatever we wish in life. I don't think people should try to cut out a role that anyone should conform too, limiting our innate desire to express ourselves as individuals.

I would definitely say that men are not any less able to take care of children than women. I know a few single fathers who are excellent parents.Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
ok you jumped around on topics a bit and a few have nothing to do with the %26quot;west%26quot; or women.

First of all I don't like %26quot;green%26quot; second of all a woman should have the freedom to do whatever it is she seeks to do with her life. No women do not all desire children or need them. The issue of women being involved in business the truth is our brains are more involved and down to earth then men's we get things done men linger and, are easily persuaded.

There is a thing here in NYC in the law field females are the worst to go against in defense why? they call them female pitbull's women are tough first and then maternal second. Its a lot of conditioning that makes them docile and, weak, uneducated. Its also usually religion that tells them have babies and, stay home. Most women are very ambitious and contribute greatly to the balance in society. To say they are like men in my opinion is rude! I work with lawyers men are kinda prideful and they don't analyze things thoroughly. They have a kinda whatever works attitude but women have to get the nitty gritty details oriented core to them and work everything out.

When you get married make sure she is a woman who has something going for her. If you go get a woman who is like a homebody from a foreign country and bring her here. She first will have culture shock then be very lonely and, then her face could change as she doesn't know how to cope with the freedom. She can even of agreed with everything you said but once she see's everything everybody else has she could change her mind. This will be hell for you. Get someone in the same environment as you and, who is aspiring to the same goals or near to your goals so you are happy and so is she.Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
%26quot;Anyway, one of his main points was that the nature of women is to be at home, to take care of the household and specifically to raise and nurture the children, not the way the west has women becoming women who behave like men and indulge themselves with buisness issues and not raising children.%26quot;

Sounds pretty 5th century to me, so I would say that such thoughts are oppressive. I could find you millions of women who are smarter and more capable than Abdul Raheem Green.

Green should stick to caves and let civilization advance.Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
It is the nature of both men and women to have children, nuture them, and to raise them. It is the nature of both men and women to work around the home providing for the home.

If you read the holy books or just pay attention, you understand that the business world is a world of distraction where people without religious values not Muslims are in charge of things. To say it is a man's responsibility to participate in such distraction rather than raising crops and livestock to provide for his own family is to be a tool of the oppressors and the evil one they work for.

Both men and women have right and need to have family, community and interests in life that are not defined by being slave to their children or a spouse, so the idea that women exist only to raise children and do house work to support the males is oppressive against women.

Children need both mothers and fathers to be attentive to them in the home and to raise them.

Why are Muslims not arguing for the right of men to be fathers and to work around their own homes rather than in distraction of the %26quot;business world%26quot; or whatever the kafirs call their ways.Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
well even bible teaches the same

check out verses from bible

There are many verses in the Bible including:

(Bible, 11:3-10) the verses that Paul wrote: 'Every man who prays of

prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. And evey woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head - it is just as though her head were SHAVED . If a woman doesn't cover her head, she should have her hair CUT OFF ; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or shaved off, she should cover her head.%26quot;

1 Corinthians 11:3

Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

1 Timothy 2:11

A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness.

1 Timothy 2:12

But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.

Ephesians 5:22-23

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

1 Corinthians 14:34

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

Colossians 3:18

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.

i give you this answer from the bible please read numbers 31 verse 17 and 18 ,kill every women who has slept with a man , save for your self every girls who has never slept with a man ,do you have an apparatus to know that or to r pe , open order to Ra e in the bible , have you ever read that ?this is hidden in the bible

1Cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

%26quot;For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. For this reason, and because of the angels, men have all authority on woman;%26quot; 1 Corinthians 11:9, 10.

and so on...Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
yes women are naturally born with an instinct of wanting to raise be a mum. But of course there are some that would much rather be alone with their husband and develop a life filled with career and possibly Ibada/worship (a good Muslim would anyway).

but then again you have the infertile women...if a woman cannot have children of course its going to affect her...the effect varies depending on the woman, but usually a woman would learn to accept it as time passes...

she may not be able to have kids..but does that mean her life is over and has no purpose? hell no.

as far as i know a woman will be happy if she has her God, her friends and of course a decent husband - that will stick by her, knowing she cant give him kids...

women usually freak out thinking that their husband will either divorce them, or marry another woman...because its known that %26quot;all men want kids%26quot; right?

its hard to find a Muslim man that doesn't want kids...Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
OK, I'll talk about my own nature %26amp; what I want. I don't have any problems with raising the children, or keeping the home warm, yes this is my pleasure, but I want to learn %26amp; know, have social activities, progress. I would like to assay myself among different people.

I sometimes secretly wish that there were no men on the ground, the reason that women have to act so patiently demure is to keep men feeling healthy ( and of course consequently the society healthy ). I really think world is more comfortable with out men.Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
I have to say i agree with Thank You For Your Prayers. Why is the father's role so demeaned in society both western and otherwise? So many studies show that a father role is an important influence in both boys and girls lives and yet there is so much focus in the mother being there for the kids, and yet it seems it's ok for father to be around for only weekends and a couple of hours a week. The problem is rather then telling women their place you should think about your place a s a father. Maybe while your wife is at work for a change you could stay home with kids and do some housework together. Both parents are as important as the other, fathers should be raising and nurturing their kids with the mother, not one or the other but together.Nature of women? A question primarily for women.?
@king Khalid

wow that video was horrible, I feel sorry for the girl. The guy should be ashamed of himself for raping that woman.

milkman out

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