Gimme Indie Rock [single] (1991)
also on the deluxe edition of III
This song was a huge joke against the Indie Rock movement that Sebadoh was a huge part of. Their satirical edge is on full display here, as are their hardcore roots and their ability to jump from style to style - as they spoof the bands they name drop throughout the song.
And yet, this song became an Indie Rock anthem, as any Indie fan can change the dates and identify with the lyrics... even better if the song is ridiculing you for it... 'cause that's how we roll.
Lonely band that mutters,
three dumpy guys with no fashion sense,
three friendly minstrels who aren't very friendly,
figuratively p*ssing in your mouth, humiliating and subduing your spirit, exposing every nook and cranny of the human psyche,
searching for the lowest common denominator, resorting to tired tales of naughty boy boredom, asking a million questions and providing bogus answers, self-serving, closet fascists, making money from marijuana m*sturbation, incompetence masquerading as inspiration, inspiration mistaken for true talent, a spectre of ego-centric behavior sputtering wildly out of control, ladies and gentleman, indie rock's newest unrecognized genius of songwriting sucker-punch, traveling in a minivan for a 6-week tour,
making it up as they go along,
driving dozens of college-age lemmings off the cliff of limited imagination, smashing their soft skulls on the jagged boulders of their sarcasm,
putting down everything and judging all as lame,
another letdown, another reason to do it yourself,
your post-modern, folk-core, saviors,
your new favorite, dope-smoking, renaissance trio,
open chord tuning saviors of rock 'n' roll,
shattering the barrier between audience and artist, three guys with smiles you can trust,
three more reasons to doubt your boyfriend, Jason, Eric, and Lou:
(excerpted from their own introductions from their 1991 tour - which can also be found on the deluxe edition of Sebadoh III - well worht the price of admission alone)
What do you think of this song of the day?
Love it? Hate it? Neutral to it?
Somewhere in between?
That opening was a bit much wasn't it?
What do you think of this song....?
lol, this song was great! No, the opening wasn't too much--it was great, took me a bit by surprise albeit. I actually really liked his voice too. Very interesting song....a little bit different than usual but creative...I liked it! Thanks :)What do you think of this song....?
Damn, How did I miss Sebadoh day (insert sad face)
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What do you think of this song....?I really liked it, for it being a joke. I actually thought it was a pretty cool song. I thought it was cool and funny yes. Thanks for sharing. =)
I loved the opening.
Oh my so much reading to answer four questions your crazy!
^^SarcasmWhat do you think of this song....?
You must be really bored.What do you think of this song....?
That is really bad.What do you think of this song....?
A good effort at originality. Although, it also reads like an attempt to curtail Indie Rock's seemingly inevitable demise via self-effacement.
I'll go with neutral, bordering on not so much hatred of it as simply finding it negligible.What do you think of this song....?
too much writing not going to answer all those questions
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