Thursday, June 2, 2011

How does this letter to Kerrang! about Mindless Self Indulgence sound grammatically OK to you? Proofread plz?

Dear Mr - or Ms - Editor Person of Kerrang! Magazine

I just wanted to say how much I love - D - your magazine.

Note the D? Well, that was there because I've noticed that your reviews of MSI at Reading and ULU seemed to be conspicuous in their lack of attempt at seeing things from MSI's POV.

Yes, they're lowbrow. Yes, they insult the fans. Yes, their shows aren't ALL about the music... but surely their performance must have had something to do with the music. Why else would you review and interview them in a MUSIC magazine (Or at least, you claim it's music).

WHo's to say that Motley Crue, Judas Priest or My Chemical Romance are any more 'highbrow' than MSI?

Lyn-Z married Gerard. So what?! They're obviously very happy with each other and allow each other to do their own thing... so why victimise her when you know full well that being seen as nothing more than the wife of a famous lead singer from another band is exactly what she - as well as the MSI fans, including myself - DOESN'T WANT?!

Then again, she seems to be the only one you show posters of, so it's obvious that you're just jealous of her. The interviews with Jimmy and Lyn-Z asking them what songs changed their life DON'T count, as journalist opinion doesn't - thankfully in both cases!! - come into play there.

Music journalism should be about what the music is like; good or bad, everyone is entitled to their opinions on that. What they SHOULDN'T be entitled to is opinions of the fans... and especially not when they judge the fans purely because they're different to the average metal fan walking down the street and because they like a band that's like nothing else out there.

Although I'm a pretty late fan of MSI (discovering them in 2006), they've shaped my life in so many positive ways you couldn't imagine.

I've learnt to be more sociable and travel more independently - I have Asperger's Syndrome, which technically means I should be socially retarded, take everything literally and not have any empathy for others - and met some fantastic people thanks to them. Discovering MSI has brought me out of my shell, helped me realise who I am better and become a better person.

Their values, attitudes and music have me understand not to take things seriously, empathise with people more (famous ones included!!).

I dare you to name me any single other band that stays after the show and talks WILLINGLY to fans for over an hour after each show; and encourages all fans to be respectful and tolerant of each other regardless of race, sexuality, age, gender, disability, religion or political view!).

I even sang a karaoke song on holiday that I'd NEVER normally sing. Do you want to know why? Jimmy and Chantal have that song as their theme song for their radio show. It was actually thinking of them that got me on that stage in the first place!

In fact, give the Best Bar Mitzvah Ever a go and you'll see what amazing people James and Chantal are. Their advice is top notch, they make a huge effort to reply to everything they get, they have a wonderful sense of humour and obviously love and care about each other deeply.

I actually know somebody who was living in a warehouse and wrote in to them. They suggested that he help the family out any way he could and now he has a job doing what he wants to do and is very much alive and well.

Now if that's not saying that Jimmy is a positive role model.... I want you to tell me what is!!

Check their videos out here:

The most recent 'block' of Best Bar Mitzvah Ever [not putting links up in THIS context, but will do in the email

Funny stuff from them

The first block on Youtube [not putting links up in THIS context, but will do in the email]

I'd been thinking for a very long time of boycotting your magazine and radio station, as well as anything else you're involved with - charitable or otherwise - and seeing those reviews of MSI at Reading at Leads has been the straw that broke the camel's back.

I know you won't print this as you seem determined to only print the bad things pople say about MSI, but I hope you read this and realise how unprofessional your so-called 'journalism' is.

Anyway, regardless of whether you print this or not, I hope you lose plenty more readers where this one came from


Emma Selwyn


P.S. If you have any questions at all - of any kind - feel free to email me.How does this letter to Kerrang! about Mindless Self Indulgence sound grammatically OK to you? Proofread plz?
That's a good letter; it's really articulate and gets your point across really well. I agree with the other people that it may not be printed, however as long as the editor, or whoever it is, reads it, at least they will comprehend the influence that their writing has on readers.

Good job ;)


p.s. I LOVE MSIHow does this letter to Kerrang! about Mindless Self Indulgence sound grammatically OK to you? Proofread plz?
They won't print that it's way too long.

Also, MSI really were AWFUL at Leeds fest.

Nice one for trying to make a stand though. How does this letter to Kerrang! about Mindless Self Indulgence sound grammatically OK to you? Proofread plz?
I agree with above, it's way too long for them to print.. You write well tho x

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