Thursday, June 2, 2011

What's goin to happen in 2012?

Hi, you all probably know what i%26039;m going to ask but I will ask anyways to make sure you understand my full question. What will happen in 2012?

Now I spent around 1 week trying to gather all the information I could about 12/21/12 and all I can find are the following:

-The earth%26039;s magnetic poles are going to change because we are going on the other side of the milky way. Which will cause the earth%26039;s water to evade land something like this: (please watch after 30 seconds of video).

-The suns magnetic poles are also going to change which will let out a tsunami of solar waves towards our planet and wipe out all our satellites

-We will move on to the age of Aquarius (I don%26039;t know how this is possible if we are dead).

These are the main important things I found. The rest I don%26039;t really believe. Please tell me which are right and wrong. Please leave a full answer. If i%26039;m wrong about anything please tell me.

I also realized something about the date 12/21/12. There are only 1%26039;s and 2%26039;s. Is it just coincidence.

Please do not say %26quot;Nothing%26quot;. I%26039;ve heard that to many times.What%26039;s goin to happen in 2012?
And I%26039;ve heard variations of this question too many times...

Tell you what is wrong with those statements? Everything.

Youtube videos are part of the free advertising these guys have got set up so that people will buy their books.

The Earth%26039;s magnetic poles are already changing. It is a slow process that takes decades or centuries. It is not going to happen on one specific catastrophic date.

We, as a Solar System, orbit somewhat away from the Galactic Plane.

The Sun goes through approximately 11 year cycles of solar activity. It is true that satellites are vulnerable to solar flares, and so are our power grids. But the sun%26039;s magnetic poles are not shifting. There is no evidence for this whatsoever.

%26quot;This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius...%26quot; is a very old song from a very old movie, but the name comes from Astrology. Astrological ages arise from the precession of the equinoxes, a 26,000 year cycle.

According to different ASTROLOGERS calculations (not ASTRONOMERS) the Age of Aquarius started as long ago as 1447 AD, or won%26039;t start until 3621 AD. So if the %26quot;experts%26quot; can%26039;t agree on a date, and there is a spread of 2200 years between some of those estimates, why would you imagine that the %26quot;correct%26quot; date for the dawning of the Age of Aquarius is 2012.

These astrological ages only LAST 2150 years (on average), so the Age of Pisces started some time between 500 BC and 1500 AD, more or less. Not very useful, is it?

If you are going to do %26quot;research%26quot; don%26039;t just regurgitate what other people have told you, or stuff you%26039;ve got from Youtube videos.

I know it is hard to find any information for these things in reputable scientific journals because these theories have no basis in science. But that should have been your first clue...What%26039;s goin to happen in 2012?
If you ask the internet for predictions about the end of the world, you will definitely receive an answer. Also, I have a bridge I%26039;d like to sell you.

- What does %26quot;the other side of the milky way%26quot; mean? The other side from what? How would this affect our magnetic field?

- %26quot;Tsunami of solar waves%26quot; sounds catastrophic, but it doesn%26039;t actually mean anything.

- What is the age of Aquarius (besides a song lyric)? What does it have to do with anything else?

Think about what you%26039;re reading, and don%26039;t trust the internet.What%26039;s goin to happen in 2012?
We will all be 3 years olderWhat%26039;s goin to happen in 2012?
You have done a very good job researching this topic. As far as the numbers being 1%26039;s and 2%26039;s this relates to numerology which is not scientific fact, but only an interesting coincidence. The book of revalation mentions the end of time in revalation 12/12 Revelation speaks of a time that the devil would be allowed to bring woes to the earth: %26quot;woe to the earth for devil has a short period of time%26quot; revelation 12:12 The polar shifts of the sun and planet that you mention may be true, but the fact is the scientific community hasn%26039;t made any formal announcement about this at all, it%26039;s only on media like the History channel and Internet blogs. If it were actually true I would have to believe that NASA would make a formal announcement on the issue. The reason they%26039;re not saying anything is because they don%26039;t want to make it seem so important, so people won%26039;t actually think it%26039;s for real.What%26039;s goin to happen in 2012?
1. Leap year

2. United States has a Presidential election (as well as for Congress)

3. Summer Olympics

Earth does switch its magnetic poles on the order of every 100,000 years or so. This is not scheduled to happen any time soon, and has nothing at all to do with the Milky Way, but rather with internal flow in the Earth%26039;s core. It also does not mean anything about water, which is not magnetic (try waving a magnet at a glass of water and see the lack of response).

The Sun%26039;s magnetic poles reverse with each new solar cycle. The most recent such cycle started just a few months ago, and since cycles last an average of 11 years, 2012 is a bit early (by 8 years) for that to happen again. There is an increase in sunspots and coronal mass ejections which does have some effect on satellites, but they won%26039;t be %26quot;wiped out%26quot;.

%26quot;The Age of Aquarius%26quot; is a song from the show Hair. That%26039;s all.

One of my cats, YumYum, was born on May 5, 2000. That%26039;s 05/05/00! The only significance seems to be that he schnuzzles me better than most of the other cats.

As for %26quot;the other side of the Milky Way%26quot;, we are 28,000 light years from the center, and the Solar System, including us, takes 220,000,000 years to orbit it once. So we won%26039;t be visiting the opposite side any time soon.What%26039;s goin to happen in 2012?
Have you considered the fact that the reason you%26039;ve been given the answer %26039;nothing%26039; many times just happens to be because it%26039;s correct. I%26039;m afraid your week of information-gathering has been wasted by looking at YouTube videos and crackpot websites.

The Earth%26039;s magnetic poles aren%26039;t going to change. The last switch was 780,000 years ago. There might just be another 780,000 years to wait before it happens again. Anyone who says they know when it%26039;s going to happen is lying.

We aren%26039;t going to the other side of the Milky Way. The solar system revolves around the Milky Way galaxy, taking 225 million years to do so. During this orbit, the solar system bobs up and down a few times and measurements of stellar proper motions reveal that the solar system is currently moving away from the central plane of the galaxy and won%26039;t pass through it for another 30 million years or so.

The Sun%26039;s magnetic poles reverse every 11 years, so there%26039;s nothing unusual there. Our satellites seem to have escaped being wiped out by the last %26039;solar tsunami%26039; in 2001.

The Earth%26039;s water will evade land? Whatever are you talking about? Who made the YouTube video? A professor of geology? Or Joe Nobody, who sits at home with his video-editing software and likes to frighten small children.

All this stuff might make for a good science fiction film, but you need to try and retain a grip on reality. These things simply don%26039;t happen.What%26039;s goin to happen in 2012?
Sadly, you won%26039;t get any sane answer from people here, they are all sheeple that would believe if they get the so called fact! well i could help you, as i am even interested in these things, i will give you few links that will maybe enlightened you;

and you can look up to my question that i asked regarding Mayan calender, the best answerer gave a brief detail explanation.

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